Cleveland, July 2024: Since it opened for applications July 1, Step Forward’s Summer Cooling program has received over 26,307 calls from residents inquiring about energy assistance. The program assists income-eligible Cuyahoga County residents with payment of an electric bill or the purchase of a fan/air conditioning unit to help ease the burden caused by summer heat. The program will run from July 1st 2024 to September 30th 2024.
“The strong interest in our Summer Cooling Program over the past weeks highlights the ongoing need for energy assistance in Cuyahoga County,” said Jacqueline Boehnlein, Vice President of Community Services at Step Forward. “This is one of our busiest programs, so it’s important for clients to understand that appointments fill quickly. We encourage them to check back often for newly added time slots or cancellations. Keeping your scheduled appointment is crucial. If you miss both calls from our intake specialists, you’ll need to reschedule, which can delay you getting the assistance you need.”
The program provides a benefit once per cooling season to Cuyahoga County residents who are at or below 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (at or below $52,500 for a family of four) and must meet at least one additional eligibility criteria:
• A household member who is age 60 or older
• A household member has a documented medical condition verified by a licensed medical professional who is qualified under Ohio law to write prescriptions
• Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP) customers are eligible for assistance towards their default PIPP payment, first PIPP payment, central air conditioning repairs, or may receive an air conditioning unit and/or fan*
• A household’s electric utility has a disconnect notice, has been shut off, needs transferred or new electric service is being established for the household
To apply for the program, residents must schedule a phone appointment online at Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Step Forward conducts all appointments by phone. After scheduling an appointment, clients need to complete an online application through the Ohio Department of Development at
Clients applying for annual HEAP benefits or reverifying for PIPP will not be served by appointment should a client erroneously schedule themselves.
For more information about the features of the Summer Crisis Program and step-by-step instructions about how to apply, please visit

Step Forward helps people find hope, believe in their future and take steps to make it a reality. As the State’s designated anti-poverty agency for Cuyahoga County, Step Forward is tasked and trusted to lead the fight on the ground against poverty in our community. The nonprofit organization helps low-income individuals and families address immediate needs and build long-term skills to transform their lives through early childhood education programs, adult skills training and other support. Programs include Early Head Start (birth to three), Head Start (three-five years of age); personal development programs to enhance life skills, manage anger or get on track with personal goals; career planning and job training to enable people to learn or enhance skills, earn certifications or improve readiness to pursue and win better job opportunities. Step Forward also delivers the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). For more information, visit