The ¡Ve y Vota! campaign is a nonpartisan, comprehensive civic participation strategy, designed to remove barriers to full Latino electoral participation.
The campaign’s year-round 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682) bilingual national hotline and NALEO Educational Fund website provide Latino voters nationwide with vital information on every aspect of the electoral process, from registering to vote, to deciding between options to vote early, by mail, or on Election Day, and includes an easy-to-use voter registration tool. The (888) VE-Y-VOTA hotline is staffed by live bilingual operators year-round, all trained to assist callers with any voting questions or issues. Voters and voting advocates can also text “GOVOTE” to 97779 for English or “VEYVOTA” to 97779 for Spanish to stay updated on all campaign happenings.