Join us for Toledo Library’s Better Toledo series Tony Porter: Healthy Masculinity Leadership on Thursday, May 2 from 3 – 5 p.m. at Main Library. This event is free and open to all. Register online at https://events.toledolibrary.org/event/9226370.
Tony Porter is an author, educator, activist, and CEO of A Call to Men, a national nonprofit that works to advance gender and racial justice and create a more equitable society. Porter is internationally recognized for his efforts to prevent violence against women while promoting healthy, respectful manhood. He is a leading voice on issues of manhood, male socialization, and preventing violence against all women and girls. GQ Magazine has named Porter’s 2010 TED Talk as one of the Top 10 TED Talks Every Man Should See.
Porter is sought after for his in-depth understanding of the collective socialization of men. He serves as an adviser to the National Football League, providing policy consultation, working extensively with player engagement, and facilitating violence prevention and healthy manhood training. He has also provided training to the National Basketball Association, National Hockey League, Major League Soccer, and Major League Baseball. He is an international lecturer for the U.S. State Department, with extensive global experience, including Brazil, India, and Africa. He has been a guest presenter to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Porter has worked with the United States Military Academy at West Point and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.
Porter is the author of “Breaking Out of the Man Box” and the visionary for “NFL Dads: Dedicated to Daughters.”
This event is sponsored by Lucas County Court Appointed Special Advocates/Guardian ad Litem (CASA/GAL) and is part of Better Toledo, a personal and professional development series sponsored by the Toledo/Lucas County Library to ensure “you will do better in Toledo.”
Certificates of completion are available to participants who take part in three or more sessions in 2024. For group registrations, please call 419-259-5293.
The mission of Lucas County CASA is to serve the best interests of abused and neglected children in the juvenile court system. CASA volunteers provide quality advocacy for children so that every child can have a safe, permanent home and the opportunity to thrive.
CASA volunteers are adults (age 21 or older) who come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children lives, a willingness to learn, and an open mind towards life experiences different from their own. No special education, experience, or background is needed because Lucas County CASA will train you.
Become a CASA volunteer. The next training class will begin on June 18, 2024. Apply before May 28, 2024 at www.casakids.net. Contact CASA at 419-213-6753 or via email at casainfo@co.lucas.oh.us.