LANSING, Mich., November 8, 2024: The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has issued a competitive Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) for providers of services designed to support individuals and families navigating long-term services and supports.
The purpose of the No Wrong Door program is to create a coordinated system of providers for consumers to access long-term service and supports as well as Medicare enrollment for older adults and people with disabilities through Person-Centered Options Counseling, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program and the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act program. The program is designed to give the needs and preferences of individuals and families a greater voice when seeking long-term care options.
The goal of this GFO is to increase understanding and awareness of the full spectrum of available long-term service options for Michigan residents. Although home and community-based services are overwhelmingly preferred for most individuals as they age and are significantly less expensive than skilled nursing/residential services, data has shown most individuals are not aware of these options.
This funding opportunity is open to 501(c)(3) non-profits, private and public entities, federally recognized tribes, a group of federally recognized Michigan tribes, Urban Indian Health Clinic programs and universities.
More than $16 million is available in this GFO with a maximum award of $4.4 million per grantee. MDHHS anticipates issuing up to 20 awards.
Grant applications must be submitted electronically through the EGrAMS program by 3 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 19. The program period begins March 1, 2025, and ends Sept. 30, 2025. Successful applications may be awarded continuing funding based upon funding availability and acceptable performance.
A pre-application conference will be held to discuss this funding opportunity and provide instruction on using the EGrAMS system at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12. It will last approximately 90 minutes and can be accessed at
For more information or to apply, visit the EGrAMS website and select “About EGrAMS” link in the left panel to access the “Competitive Application Instructions” training manual. The complete GFO can be accessed under the ‘Current Grants’ section under the “Health and Aging Services” link and selecting the “NWD-2025” grant program.