Toledo, OH: On Friday January 17, 2025, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) a senior member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense held a reception to honor and announce her 2025 nominees from Ohio’s 9th Congressional District to the United States Service Academies: the US Military Academy in West Point, NY; the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD; the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO; and the US Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY. Principal and alternate nominees include students from Sylvania, Perrysburg, Wauseon, Curtice, Defiance, Maumee, Swanton, Hicksville, Millbury, Toledo, West Unity, and Sandusky.

“I want to thank all of those who sought admission to United States Service Academies, knowing that it means putting country above self. As President Kennedy famously said in his inaugural address, ‘ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country,’” said Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09). “Their initiative to apply for nomination to our Service Academies shows a true sense of selflessness, and the understanding of the mission of our service academies to prepare the next generation of leaders for our armed forces to defend the cause of Liberty at home and abroad. I want to thank the Citizen Advisory Committee for helping to select these fine young men and women, and I keenly look forward to all they will go on to accomplish, knowing that this is just the start in their higher education and military careers.”

Principal and Alternate Nominees were selected by a Citizen Advisory Committee formed by Congresswoman Kaptur and Chaired by Dr. Heather Vincil, who serves as the Regional Director of Care Coordination at Harbor, and is a US Army veteran. The Committee’s decisions were based on criteria including the students’ leadership potential, academic record, and overall achievement. Additional members of the Citizen Advisory Committee include: Paul Christman (Economic Development Officer for the City of Port Clinton, Ohio), Dan Bonney (Director of Williams County Veteran Services), Robin Smith (US Army Veteran – 983rd Engineer Battalion), and Jason Graven (Assistant Director Of TRIO Programs/Upward Bound at Owens Community College.) Final acceptance is determined by each service academy.

The United States Service Academies are among the most highly respected institutions of higher learning in the world. They offer young Americans the opportunity to serve our nation as commissioned officers in the United States Armed Services upon graduation.

Congresswoman Kaptur’s Principal Nominees are listed below by their school and Service Academies:

Service Academy Principal Nominee List:

  • Samuel Arquette of Sylvania, Ohio (St. Francis De Sales High School) – US Airforce Academy
  • Mario Gutierrez of Perrysburg, Ohio (Perrysburg High School) – US Military Academy at West Point
  • Gage Yackee of Wauseon, Ohio (St. John’s Jesuit High School) – US Naval Academy

In addition, Congresswoman Kaptur has named Alternate Nominees. Should a Principal Nominee be unable to matriculate, their Alternates will be considered for placement. Their Alternate Nomination also places each of the students in a national pool to compete for entry to the academies based upon the academic, athletic, and extra-curricular achievements. Alternate Nominees for Ohio’s 9th District for 2025 include:

  • Jackson Halbur of Curtice, Ohio (Clay High School) – nominee to the US Merchant Marine Academy, alternate to the US Military Academy and the US Naval Academy
  • Brady Borton of Defiance, Ohio (Defiance High School) alternate to US Military Academy, the US Naval Academy and the US Air Force Academy
  • Emery Alafa of Toledo, Ohio (Toledo Technology Academy of Engineering) alternate to US Airforce Academy
  • Jacob Achenbach of Perrysburg, Ohio (Perrysburg High School) alternate to the US Naval Academy
  • Kylie Gerken of Maumee, Ohio (Maumee High School) alternate to the US Military Academy
  • Hannah Damaske of Swanton, Ohio (Evergreen High School) alternate to the US Air Force Academy
  • Maxwell Ish of Hicksville, Ohio (Hicksville High School) alternate to the US Air Force Academy
  • Juakeen Baker of Millbury, Ohio (Lake High School) alternate to the US Naval Academy
  • Autumn Henry of Defiance, Ohio (Tinora High School) alternate to the US Naval Academy and the US Air Force Academy
  • Christopher Adams of Toledo, Ohio (Aerospace and Natural Science Academy of Toledo) alternate to the US Naval Academy
  • Natalie Peugeot of Sandusky, Ohio (Naval Academy Preparatory School) alternate to the US Naval Academy
  • Brooke Moreland of West Unity, Ohio (Millcreek-West Unity High School) alternate to the US Air Force Academy


Photo caption: Marcy Kaptur, Samuel Arquette, Gage Yackee,  Mario Gutierrez, Maxwell Ish, and Hannah Damaske