By Linda Alvarado-Arce/Editor of La Prensa

There is much talent here in Northwest Ohio around Chess that it even reached Honduras- from students to instructors, to missionaries, to even local organizations and institutions that support it.

Last week I had the chance to go to Honduras on a mission’s trip with Compassion Toledo. During this trip I was reminded of the historical roots of chess from a child who was told he could pick out any toy in the whole toy store, and he picked out a chess board. A chess board, out of all things, and something he didn’t know how to play but told me he wanted to learn.

A chess board that I have tons of at home, that I have seen the students at Toledo Public Schools (TPS) and throughout the district play for recreation and in tournaments, and that I have witnessed people playing in the parks of New York City to storefronts in Canton, Mississippi. The Toledo Museum of Art (TMA) even just had a special exhibit recently on the history of chess, and how it is one of the first historically recorded board games in human civilization.

Warren and Yolanda Woodberry know the importance of chess, so much that they offer a Chess Program at Toledo Public Schools, Jones Leadership Academy, of which I have had to privilege to visit a couple times, through the support and forward thinking of Dr. Durant, who also knows of the benefits and importance of learning and playing chess. According to, “chess enhances the development of problem-solving, social and relationship-building and thinking skills.” It improves “intelligence, empathy, memory,” and creativity ( Below are some pictures of local students at Woodberry Park’s Chess Club. If interested in learning, volunteering, or donating a chess set, please contract the Woodberry’s at