Shane Snyder (left) and on the right is his mother Raquel Bravo, César Chavez is in the center.

This month has a lot to CELEBRATE, from my grandbaby Laurita’s birthday to Césario (César) Estrada Chávez’s birthday. César Chávez was born on March 31, 1927, in Yuma, Arizona, and died on April 23, 1993, in San Luis, Arizona.

César Chávez was an American labor leader, civil rights activist, and member of the oldest pacifist organization in the U.S., the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)-USA. He was the founder of the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers labor union. He advocated and successfully achieved “establishing minimum wage standards, wage contracts, safer working conditions, child labor reforms, and advancements in civil rights for Chicanos and other farm workers” (For more information and to use in your classrooms, reference: Learning to Give: Chavez, Cesar, for Grade Levels 6-12 at

Next week La Prensa, Inc. will be honoring Mr. César Chávez with a “special edition” dedicated to OUR legend and for his birthday.

César Chávez, who visited Toledo and Northwest Ohio, marched in protest for US and against corporate greed and was a great friend to Baldemar Velasquez of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) and numerous other local leaders in our community. On numerous occasions, I have even heard my friend Raquel Bravo tell me stories of when he would stay over at her house with her family when he was in town. I, personally, even have fond memories of my mother taking me to conventions and marches, wearing the National Farm Workers Association “red” armbands, and holding my “Si Se Puede” flag in the air. If it wasn’t for César Chávez and the local Latinx community that organized and hosted him, I would never have learned of Latinx Spanish-speaking writers, artists, and activists or how strong our community can be when we ALL come together.

Now is the time to celebrate him and the pride we have in OUR LATINX COMMUNITY. If you have photos or words you want to be included in next week’s edition, please email them to me at

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