NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Electronic Bids will be received by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority for all labor, material, insurance, and equipment necessary for the Plaza Repairs Phase 3 project at One Government Center, Toledo, Ohio 43604, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, for the Port Authority at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, Ohio 43604.
The One Government Center Plaza Repairs Phase 3 project consists of the third phase of plaza waterproofing replacement and structural concrete repairs at the One Government Center. Demolition includes the removal and storage of existing granite pavers and removal of existing concrete fill slab, insulation, and waterproofing system in designated areas. A new waterproofing and drainage system will be installed on top of the existing structural slab with a new concrete fill slab and reinstallation of existing stored granite pavers on new mortar setting bed. Structural concrete repairs include delamination and crack repairs to the existing structural slab at the plaza and basement levels. The project also includes carpentry, joint sealant, traffic coating, flashing, plumbing, electrical, and landscaping work. Phase 1 and 2 repairs were completed in 2023 and 2024, respectively.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $679,000.00. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
Bids will be received through Bid Express, an online electronic bidding system until Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 10:00 AM, at which time all bids will be opened through the Bid Express website.
The plans and bid proposal documents are available through Bid Express at: Bidders new to the electronic bidding system must first register on the Bid Express website ( Registration is Free. It can take up to five (5) business days to process a Digital ID and it is highly recommended that a Digital ID be enabled 48 hours in advance of submitting an electronic bid. Bidders must plan accordingly. For additional guidance regarding electronic bidding, bidders must contact Bid Express directly. Each bidder shall be responsible for submitting its electronic bid before the bid deadline.
Electronic Proposals must be submitted on the form(s) included in Bid Express and shall be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable Proposal Bond with satisfactory surety specifying the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority as the obligee, in the sum of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total proposal amount.
Please note that there will be a pre-bid meeting for this project for all prospective bidders on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 1:30 PM, at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, 2nd floor conference room, Toledo, OH 43604. Attendance is suggested, but not mandatory. Please submit all questions through the Bid Express service by Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 10:00 AM local time. Questions submitted after the deadline will not receive a response. Additional information can be found at
Thomas J. Winston
President and CEO
Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority