By La Prensa Staff and Isabel Flores
EAST LANSING, April 16, 2022: Jackie Camacho was the guest speaker at this year’s “Day of the Woman/Día de Mujer,” hosted by Michigan State University on April 16, 2022— its 28th year.
Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz is a social inspirer who is known as a “Dream Catcher” as her strategies have helped thousands of women, authors and young people to achieve an important change in their lives.
“I am proud being a part of the 28th anniversary of this important event, which was created, led and continues to be carried out by young Latinas who want to share dreams. They have told me about their experiences, what inspires them, what excites them and I know that I can contribute a lot. I am very excited to celebrate this special date with them,” said Ms. Camacho-Ruiz. in an exclusive interview for La Prensa.
Ms. Camacho-Ruiz highlighted the power that we all have within ourselves. “Many times, we go on expeditions outside the planet and the truth is that all the answers are within us. The preparation of these young women, the difficult situations and emotions they experience, are decisions that are made from the bottom of their hearts, so my goal will be to give them strength and remind them that they are extraordinary.”
In the opinion of the interviewee, this is the moment for Latin women for several reasons: diversity, points of view and the preparation that she has been having. “About 25 years ago there was a very large wave of immigrants, who now have children who have already grown up and are already creating.

“I think there is a zero point in the ecosystem that surrounds Latinas for diversity; the time is perfectly aligned to expand voice, ideas and make an impact. I am seeing more and more Latinas with power, in important positions, more millionaires, more entrepreneurs; in fact, we are recognized as the largest entrepreneurial segment that exists in this country.”
Despite that growth, there are only 2.6% millionaire women of all cultures. So, if women are the largest segment entering business, entrepreneurship, and non-profits, there is still a bridge to be built. It is necessary to see how to make Latinas grow.
Ms. Camacho-Ruiz is a visionary social entrepreneur, who has created an inspirational company. Her keen sense of service, coupled with a vision of bringing good to the world, has led her to create two successful award-winning companies, two nonprofit organizations, publish 27 books, create many products, and host dozens of events around the world in just the last decade.
At 37 years old, she managed to cross the threshold of a million dollars. She has shared her inspiration on four continents and has aligned herself with some of the powerful brands to elevate others.
But where does she get her inspiration from? In an emotional talk she replies: “The watershed in my life was having heard the word cancer for the second time; associated with my body at the age of 23, I was bedridden with a 5-month-old baby. I had nothing, I lived in a trailer, without papers or money. I had been married for three years and was about to start my first business.
“The doctor told me, we don’t know if you’re going to live and if you do, we may have to rebuild your entire digestive system and feed you through a tube. My response to that was: I need to get up because I’m graduating next week with honors with my marketing associate degree; that is, don’t focus on the negative.
From then on, a sense of urgency to serve was planted in my heart. W h a t moves me is my family, landing o u r dreams, manifesting so many beautiful things, having survived and knowing that I am alive, that I am a miracle like all of us, but what inspires me most is the service to others, that It is what has filled my life with magic.
“Every day through service I thank God for giving me life.” Jackie thinks that magix (yes, a madeup word meaning magic x 10) is the interception of profit and impact. Since she was a little girl in her native Mexico City, she enjoyed her motivational books very much and that helped her to continue her path to fulfill the American dream that she wanted so much.
At the age of 14, she moved to this country, where she learned English and German soon after. Inspired by the teachings of authors like Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar and others, she decided to start writing to leave a legacy for her two children. For the author, it is difficult to say which of all her works is her favorite, but the first book has a special place.
Her book, Today’s Inspired Latina, launched her to international stardom, but the book she did with her husband, Living by Amazing, in 2016, is the one that holds a special place for her. “More than a decade ago, we began to experience this magic. Of course, it has not been all rosy; we have had difficulties with the growth of companies, health and various other things, but we have managed to overcome them. It is the most beautiful book we have made in terms of design and where we describe the word Amazing in seven chapters. It has opened many doors for us.”
In addition to being a successful, motivational speaker, writer, leader, and businesswoman, she is also one of the few Latina sports-plane pilots in the United States and is about to embark on the historic air race that saw 20 women fly across the United States 91 years ago. years, including the famous Amelia Earhart.
She is a regular guest on television and radio shows including CBS World News, CBS Chicago, WGN-TV, ABC7 News, WGN Radio 720, Univision, and has been featured in Forbes Magazine, INC and many others. She firmly believes that “taking off is optional, landing in your dreams is mandatory.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: Día de la Mujer (DDLM) conference, coordinated by the Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions (OCAT) and sponsored by C.R.U. and other MSU departments, is an event that has become a source of education and development for hundreds of people it attracts each year. DDLM provides an environment where networking connections are made for employment and educational opportunities for Michigan Latina empowerment.
In the twenty-eight years of DDLM history, a tremendous number of issues and concerns have been addressed through keynote presenters, forums and workshops facilitated by Latina experts on education, health, politics, community, family, history, culture, professional, and personal development areas.
DDLM is the only conference of its kind in the state of Michigan and serves as the premiere leader in enhancing the Latino community to reach new levels of success.
—Photos by Larry Arreguin