As a Latina; I pledge to vote and speak out because I believe that our voices need to be heard as an indigenous community. I believe a united voice can be a force for change and actions speak louder than words. Our community deserves and has a right to have our issues addressed. Voting is a strong and visceral way to do this.

– Marisol A. Pérez-Hales


I Pledge to Vote and Speak Out United!
Voter registration and pledging to vote in 2022 is officially on!! If you or someone you know between the ages of 17 ½ and 100+ years of age and want to register to vote this year, contact me right away at I will take your picture, get a quote, and put you in La Prensa. Your pledge
to vote and “speak out united” will not only bring pride to your family, friends, and neighbors, but it will also give your family and the Latino/a community a united voice to make the improvements on the issues impacting nuestra comunidad. Voter registration deadline is October 11, 2022, for November 8, 2022 general election…so lets get United!