Most parents want to do whatever they can to protect their children from painful moments and events that my touch their lives. In trying to “protect” them however, we often do not realize that we are inadvertently passing on to them the same bits of “misinformation” on how to deal with grief that we learned as children.
This program is not only designed to help parents, but teachers, school counselors and everyone else who has contact with children. These skills can be of enormous value no matter what loss a child has experienced, including, but not limited to the loss a parent, grandparent, sibling, a divorce in the family, or even the loss of a pet.
Join the free 4-week group to learn more about how you can help children with loss. Learn more or register at
What is WIC Worth?
Did you know that WIC offers benefits with food packages for kids under age 5? With food costs on the rise, WIC is more important than ever to help families offset higher grocery bills.
Who’s eligible for WIC benefits?
Postpartum and breastfeeding women for up to 12 months & children under 5 years of age. If you are on SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, or meet 185% of federal poverty income guidelines, you automatically qualify!
Estimated Monthly Value
Breastfed baby 6-12 months old = $64
Children 1-5 years old = $75
Pregnant woman = $101
Postpartum woman = $87
Breastfeeding mother = $128
Call 419-485-3141 or visit to sign up.