La Cosecha Galeria presents “w25th Diarios” a 1980’s Retrospective, hosted by Future Ink Graphics (FIG) featuring the original artwork of Will “Topiltzin” Sanchez as he introduces new work with this upcoming series of paintings and a creative storytelling series focused upon the perspective of issues and adaption during his growth on the streets of Cleveland. Poverty, violence, drug endemics and crime. Returning to the neighborhood that seeded his interpretation of the world, life philosophy and creative influence which has spanned decades.

Hispanic immigrant families have become important and respected members of the flourishing creative industry. Mexicans, Puerto Ricans Cubans, Chilean and the many others of Latino descent have all played a part in the growth of the arts, crafts and makers industry in the United States. While their stories may differ, the extraordinary work ethic of these Hispanic entrepreneurs is shown by their success. Moreover, while most of these makers first learned about the creative industry through their cultural eyes, they often expanded their knowledge with the introduction of the diverse melting pot of our country. Without the contributions of these Hispanic artists, craftsman, chefs, makers, business owners and other equally distinguished creative endeavors of Latino origin, the world might not be as bright and vivid as it is today.


Topiltzin Art Exhibition Days/Hours:

June 24, 2023 – July 8, 2023 | Monday – Sunday | 10:00AM – 7:00PM

Hosted by Future Ink Graphics (FIG).

Closing Show:

The closing event will take place on Saturday, July 8, 2023, at 6:00PM. Hosted by Future Ink Graphics (FIG) and LatinUS. Refreshments by Café Social. Music by DJ Flaco Flash. Poetry by Marisol Ramos and New Genesis. We welcome the entire community to come enjoy our art, music, performances, and perspective.

Contact: Will Sanchez | (216) 385-9545 or