October 20, 2023: The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio Inc. (AOA) was recognized alongside the Toledo Museum of Art (TMA), with the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging’s 2023 Partnership Award at the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging Annual Conference on October 19, 2023.
“If you want to know the relationship between age and greatness all you have to do is walk into the Toledo Museum of Art and look at the great works on the walls, Renoir, Monet, and others that created their greatest works later on in life, so thanks to TMA for their outreach in the community for older adults” says AOA Interim CEO/President Justin Moor. Our partnership focuses on pushing against societal views on “aging” and “ageism.”
To do so, TMA provides special training to their staff to better interact and educate adults 60+, by expanding the art experience with free creative art classes at five area senior centers around the museum. Residents are taught and create art, in drawing, painting, glassblowing, and jewelry fabrication, which brings them together to share joy in creating art and each other’s company.
Mike Deetsch, Director of Development at TMA puts that goal perfectly into perspective, “Studies have shown whether looking at or making art, listening to music, or watching a play, it’s good for your health. It lowers your blood pressure, reduces your cortisol levels related to stress, it can combat anxiety and addresses isolation when working in a group. The museum is not just a nice place to have, it’s a need to have in the community and we’re delighted to be partners with the Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio Inc.”