Roberto Clemente Day
Roberto Clemente Day is celebrated every September at many ballpark venues, such as in Cleveland—all part of Hispanic Heritage Month. In addition, MLB has announced that Triston McKenzie has been…
Roberto Clemente Day is celebrated every September at many ballpark venues, such as in Cleveland—all part of Hispanic Heritage Month. In addition, MLB has announced that Triston McKenzie has been…
NW Ohio Immigrant Rights organizations send clear message to electoral candidates September, 12, 2022: The immigrant rights movement in the NW Ohio region is sending a loud and clear message…
TOLEDO, OH, September 9, 2022: The Family House Fall Festival Fundraiser is a family friendly, all ages fundraiser to benefit The Family House homeless shelter. Enjoy a beautiful fall afternoon…
TOLEDO, OHIO: The YWCA of Northwest Ohio is hosting the 28th Annual Milestones Event: A Tribute to Women. YWCA Northwest Ohio has commemorated Women’s History Month by recognizing leaders throughout…
VERMILION, OH: The Vermilion of today hold a rich and unique history filled with legend, lore and facts that will be revealed in a series of docent led walking tours…
“Just use your imagination,” Tracy Conley advised her daughter Trashawna, as the youngster built a model of a moon landing station out of toothpicks and Play-Doh. “It’s all about using…
Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa Toledo, Ohio.- El delicioso sabor de la comida mexicana, lo encuentras en Lowrider Café, exquisito restaurante que hace unos días celebró con gran entusiasmo…
CLEVELAND, Ohio. The Hispanic Roundtable is pleased to announce José C. Feliciano Sr., chairman and founder of the Hispanic Roundtable and former White House Fellow, was appointed to the board…
Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa Se conoce como Independencia de México al proceso de liberación del territorio colonial de Nueva España. Este proceso duró 11 años, ya que comenzó…
Works awaiting conservation on display for first time in decades The Toledo Museum of Art (TMA) presents a rare glimpse at works that have largely been out of public view…