If ICE comes to your home:

  1. Do not open the door. Ask through the closed door or window to identify themselves and their purpose.
  2. They must have two types of orders:
    1. An arrest warrant that must have the name of the person being arrested and their address. A judge must also sign the arrest warrant. Tell them to slip it under the door or in the screen door. Do not open the door if the arrest warrant does not live in your home.
    2. If the document is a deportation order and does not have your name on the order do not open the door.
    3. If the order is valid, do not resist, leave quickly to not jeopardize anyone else in the home. Remember you have a right not to offer any information and stay silent. Tell them that you want to contact a lawyer. You do not have a right to get an attorney appointed to you in immigration (civil) proceedings. In all cases try to stay calm and do not run.

If ICE comes to your workplace:

  1. Have a plan with your employer ahead of time.
    1. Establish a point of contact with your employer who can advocate for you if they are not available. Employers can deny consent to search.
    2. If a raid occurs stay organized and do not respond to agents. The agents must have a warrant that specifies areas that are to be searched.
    3. Remember, you have a right to remain silent and tell them you want to contact a lawyer. In all cases stay calm and do not run.

If ICE stops you on the street or in your car:

  1. You have a right to ask why you are being detained. Ask if you are free to go.
  2. ICE does not have the right to detain you for a traffic violation.
  3. Do not show false documents for identification. You always have the right to remain silent. Again, remain calm and do not run.


Campaign for Migrant Worker Justice, Inc.
1221 Broadway Street / Toledo, Ohio 43609
419-243-3456 / www.cmwj.org