Jaime César Molina, Toledo, Ohio, passed away at age 49 surrounded by his family and close friends at St. Charles Hospital on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Jaime was born in…
Jaime César Molina, Toledo, Ohio, passed away at age 49 surrounded by his family and close friends at St. Charles Hospital on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Jaime was born in…
The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) of Greater Toledo held their 7th Annual Latino Leadership Forum at the Sofia Quintero Art and Cultural Center on October 11, 2022. Another…
Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa Ann Arbor, MI.- La Universidad de Michigan se viste de gala este viernes 4 de noviembre para recibir a Aida Cuevas en compañía del…
Esta celebración tiene sus orígenes prehispánicos, los cuales se acentuaron con la llegada de los españoles a México y su intento de convertir a los nativos al catolicismo. El pueblo…
La nueva organización Latinx respalda a los candidatos que lucharán por el acceso a la atención médica, mejorar el sistema de justicia, protegerán los derechos al voto y los derechos…
October 24, 2022: New Latinx advocacy organization endorses candidates who will fight for access to healthcare, reshape the justice system, protect voting rights and immigrant rights and fight for environmental…
Di NO a la violencia Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa Cleveland, Ohio: “Si te retienen, insultan, atacan, pegan o amenazan, no te confundas. Eso no es amor. No te…
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library estará en la boleta este noviembre, solicitando a los residentes de Lucas County que continúen apoyando a nuestras bibliotecas en el Issue 11. El…
STRONG LIBRARY. STRONG COMMUNITY. The Toledo Lucas County Public Library will be on the ballot this November, asking Lucas County residents to continue their support of our libraries under Issue…
Issue 5: Cleveland Metroparks 10-year 2.7-mill replacement levy (Issue 10 in Hinckley Township): VOTE YES! A “yes” vote supports enacting a property tax of $27 per $100,000 of assessed value…