Tradiciones de Semana Santa en México
Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa La Semana Santa es una celebración anual cristiana en la que se rememora la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús de Nazaret. En latín…
Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa La Semana Santa es una celebración anual cristiana en la que se rememora la Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección de Jesús de Nazaret. En latín…
The Northeast Ohio Center for Economic Development (NEOOHCED) held its Awards Gala on Friday, March 31, 2023 at the venue of CentroVilla25. Some 350 business persons and sponsors attended “Entrpreneur…
Especial para La Prensa por Lic. Frank Krajenke, Jr. Apelaciones ante el Tribunal Federal Un caso también puede ser apelado ante el Tribunal Federal de Apelaciones donde se originó el…
Por: Isabel Flores, corresponsal La Prensa PONTIAC, MI: Sonia Acosta es la presidenta y directora ejecutiva del Centro Multicultural La Familia (CMLF). Tiene 32 años de experiencia en el campo…
CLEVELAND: The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) has announced the return of Parade the Circle on Saturday, June 10, 2023, at 12 p.m. Returning for the first time since 2020,…
La Cosecha Galeria presents “w25th Diarios” a 1980’s Retrospective, hosted by Future Ink Graphics (FIG) featuring the original artwork of Will “Topiltzin” Sanchez as he introduces new work with this…
CLEVELAND, OH, MARCH 30, 2023: Next stop Cleveland Reads! Cleveland Public Library, the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA), and the Kids’ Book Bank are teaming up for Ride &…
By Larry Arreguin TOLEDO, OH. March 31, 2023: With the morning showers lingering, and the first pitch of the Mud Hens season to begin at 4:05, fans were apt to…
Greater Toledo Community Foundation (GTCF) is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. As the area’s largest philanthropic institution, GTCF is a welcoming and inclusive organization that has engrained itself in our community…
DETROIT, March 31, 2023: The Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA) and Cinnaire Solutions held a groundbreaking ceremony with the City of Detroit, Invest Detroit, MSHDA and other partner organizations of…